Regarding delivery
Here is a list of questions about shipping.
About product delivery
The shortest next day delivery is also possible.
We will ship within 1-2 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after confirming your order. You can select the shipping method from the following.
Nekoposu (post mailing) 350 yen
Takkyubin (face-to-face receipt) 800 yen
* If you purchase a gift box, it will be a courier service.
*If the destination is Honshu, it will be delivered on the next day at the earliest, and in some areas it will be delivered in 2-3 days after shipment.
Can it be centered
It corresponds to each center closure of Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Please register your shipping address.
do you have a tracking number
All shipping methods come with a tracking number. Please check the tracking number in the delivery completion email.
Can I change the address after shipping
Please contact Yamato Transport customer service. You can also register online from the Yamato Transport website and complete the procedure online.